Saturday, May 05, 2007

Out with the old

After almost 8 (mostly) loving years with my beloved Subaru GT, it was time to let it go. I've been in denial since my divorce that the cost/benefit just wasn't there. The engine went 5 days after I moved out in 05, weeks before the divorce was final. I wasn't in any shape emotionally to handle looking for a new vehicle, much less financial shape. House wasn't sold, yada yada yada. Most friends thought it foolish to dump that much $$ into an old car then, but it was the decision I made at the time, the body and interior were in great shape and I thought I could buy myself another 150 K miles.

Well, that was most likely a foolhardy thing to do in hindsight, but you do what you do at the time. A month ago when a local service tech with more insight than myself cautioned me that this engine had a limited life and I should just "fix and get rid of" I finally woke up.

As I told a friend yesterday speeding down the highway in my new 07 Outback, my old car looked fine from the outside, but boy did it have issues. Hey I said, just like you-know-who! What a great analogy. He seems to be a great guy from the outside, but don't pop that hood..... there are perils lurking under the surface that you don't realize til further diagnosis is done. And investing time and money may initially seem to fix the problems, but they always resurface again, no training that old dog.........
Yep, issues.... they're there. Who knew?


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